Enterprise and Business Committee


Meeting Venue:
Committee Room 3 - Senedd



Meeting date:
3 June 2015


Meeting time:


For further information please contact:

Gareth Price
Committee Clerk

0300 200 6565






Private pre-meeting (09.15-09.30)



1    Introductions, apologies and substitutions 



2    City Regions (09.30-10.15) (Pages 1 - 13)

Councillor Phil Bale, Leader of Cardiff Council


Attached Documents:

Research Brief



Break (10.15-10.30)





3    City Regions (10.30-12.00) (Pages 14 - 17)

Edwina Hart, Minister for Economy, Science and Transport

Roger Lewis, Chairman, Cardiff Capital Region

Steve Phillips, Secretary to the Board, Swansea Bay City Region


Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-13-15 p.1 Minister for Economy, Science and Transport



4    Papers to note 




4.1 Development Bank for Wales  (Pages 18 - 19)

Additional information from the Minister for Economy, Science and Transport following the meeting on 23 April (Development Bank for Wales)


Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-13-15 p.2 Letter from Edwina Hart to William Graham (Development Bank for Wales)





4.2 Regeneration of town centres  (Pages 20 - 25)

Additional information from the Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty following the meeting on 29 April (Regeneration of town centres)


Attached Documents:

EBC(4)-13-15 p.3 Letter from Lesley Griffiths to William Graham (Regeneration of town centres)




De-brief in private (12.00-12.15)
